Altar Guild
Mission: Because of our reverence, adoration, and appreciation for God and the beauty of all creation, and our respect for the many deceased members of First Baptist Church, the Altar Guild will provide fresh flowers on the altar for each Sunday morning worship service. Also, in remembrance and love for this church, poinsettias and lilies are displayed during Christmas and Easter. Such a gesture of love creates an atmosphere that is conducive to praise and worship “in the beauty of holiness.”
Objective: Beautiful, fresh flowers purchased from local neighborhood florists will adorn the altar each Sunday morning. At the conclusion of worship services, individual bouquets are created from each floral arrangement, and taken to members who are confined to hospitals and nursing homes. During Christmas and Easter, members of the congregation order poinsettias and lilies “in memory of” or “to honor” their loved ones.
Goal: The Altar Guild will utilize floral arrangements on the altar to beautify the sanctuary, spread joy and demonstrate the beauty of the love of Jesus Christ to those who are unable to regularly attend church.